Aladdin movie stunt



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The Brief

To generate excitement and social activity around the release of Disney’s live action Aladdin movie, we were asked to devise a stunt to take place in London’s Leicester Square. It needed to be intriguing, entertaining and make some very special wishes come true…

The Solution

We transported Aladdin’s magical lamp to Leicester Square, just before the premiere of the film. The large model of the lamp, set in a rocky cavern, suddenly appeared one morning, with staff encouraging passers-by to rub the lamp and take photos in front of it.

Aladdin solution

On the second day, Hollywood A-lister and star of the film Will Smith took up residence in a secret room behind the lamp. From there he acted as the genie, speaking to people as they came up and rubbed the lamp. His voice boomed out from hidden speakers to the delight and surprise of on-lookers.

At an appointed time, a group of children and their carers from the Make-A-Wish Foundation arrived. After making their wishes, they gathered with fans around the lamp for photos, only to be stunned by the appearance of Will Smith himself. He spent time with the fans, posing for photos, then met the Make-A-Wish Foundation group and granted their wish for a trip to Disneyland.

Aladdin Will Smith
Aladdin Will Smith
Aladdin Will Smith

The results

The stunt created lots of activity on social media, with fans sharing their images, and news of the appearance of Will Smith spreading rapidly. This helped to generate excitement around the opening of the film, and awareness of the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Aladdin press coverage
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